Sunday 28 February 2010

End of February

Where did this month go. It went so quickly I can't believe it's over already. The big question is did I achieve what I had decided to do. Yes and no is the simple answer to that one. I'm still in limbo about my immediate future but for some reason I keep feeling that April will be a month of big change for the better. I just hope that is true and that March will be preparing me and also letting me know what these changes are. I'm not a very patient person so I want to know yesterday, lol.

The cold has finally broken too and the temperatures have been rather mild the last couple of days, about 0 C (32F) so I hope this means that the snow will slowly melt away and give us spring. I'm so ready to bring out my bike from the shed and start riding it instead of the bus for going into town to participate in my classes, exercise at the gym and to visit with friends. I need to get in shape for work so I'm all prepared and ready when I get that dreamjob.

Now I feel like I'm just rambling on here too and it's getting late so time to shut my computer and TV off for the night and visit dreamland. Tomorrow I have a busy day ahead of me with visits to banks etc.


  1. I do love that April feeling you're having! I totally understand your patience issue. I've always said, "Patience is a virtue and I am not a virtuous woman," hahaha!

    Sweet dreams and good luck tomorrow Lena!

  2. Lena, I think April will bring welcome changes for a lot of us. When the cold breaks and the warmth moves in there seems to be more job prospects and more hope. As for your patience, I used to have plenty of patience but these days that has gone right out the window. I really enjoyed reading this blog! I think I need to pull a bike out myself as soon as the weather permits.

  3. Lena, I feel like I blinked and February was gone. Patience isn't for me either. Here's hoping that March is a kinder month to all of us.
