Monday, 29 March 2010

Renewal for good and bad.

Renewal I have come to realise is for both good and bad. 18 months ago I found myself needing a new computer. My old desktop, which I didn't consider that old, was not working properly and I could not figure out what was wrong with it. My brother took it home with him to have a look and a few reformats later I got it back with the words "it should be ok now". However it was not. The new mystic problems were that I could not send emails and my keyboard and mouse are always activated even when the computer has been turned off. I'm sure if I had taken a closer look and tried more programs I would have found more mystic faults.

Instead I turned it off and headed down to the university and the computer shop they have there. I brought this laptop back home with me and a 12 month interest free payment plan to make it truly mine. This machine has windows Vista as its operative system and although I find it mostly ok I still miss XP as some of the features in this OS drives me up the wall sometimes. But I'm too lazy to remove it and put XP on here instead as that is a lot of work and quite time consuming too. For the most part the computer is working, as long as I do not try to use internet explorer because that do not work. Instead I have two other browsers to get me by. Many a times I have missed my old computer though while slowly getting used to this one. The brand new Office that was installed here as a 30 days trial version I could not get used to and since I did not have the money to buy it after the trial was over I instead installed my old Office XP and a warm feeling of familiarity with an old friend made me actually start liking my new computer and of course the most important part was the need to stay in touch with my friends and families by choice out in the world. I could not stand even the thought of ever losing that.

Just recently I also decided to make a bit of renewal here at home and I moved my computers out of my bedroom and instead made a work corner in my living room where I now sit when I write and do my other work online. For a few days I did not reconnect my printer as I did not need it straight away. Oh and what a big mistake that was. Now that printer no longer works as I cannot print anything black and since I ran out of yellow I gave up on trying to print anything at all with it. Instead I got to borrow my mother's old printer in order to have something as I do need to print occasionally. Here is where I had a problem. Old printer and new laptop is not compatible because that printer has no USB cable and this laptop has no printer port on it. Solution is that the printer is now connected to my old desktop with the mysterious problems and all documents I need to print are being saved to my portable hard drive and moved over to that computer for final editing and printing.

Maybe I should just do my writing on that computer then you may think. I would if I had internet connected to it but as I only have a mobile broadband connection I can only connect one computer at a time and the one where I can both receive and send my emails get priority then.
One of these days I will maybe reformat that computer one more time to see if the problem will get solved once and for all. AVG that I recently installed on it found a number of viruses still hiding in it so maybe they were the problem. I can always hope but as my time hardly ever is enough for everything I want and need to do some things go on my long term to do list.


  1. I definitely agree with you that renewal can sometimes be a good thing and sometimes a not-so-good thing.

    Sounds like you're bouncin' back and forth like a tennis ball with those two computers, Lena, and doesn't sound like a whole lot o' fun, tho' you do seem to be gettin' the job done!

  2. Vista gives me problems too. I had to buy a printer because the old one wouldn't work with my laptop that has Vista. Oh, the joy of computers.

    I enjoyed reading about it, Lena.

  3. Renewal can really take a lot of energy and leave us wondering if we went forward or backward at times.

    Computers can be a true PITA! I am enjoying my laptop that has Windows 7 on it. It's much easier and less stubborn than Vista.

    Keep on writing, Lena, you're doing a great job!
